Sabtu, 21 Maret 2015

[FF] Little Ice Cream Cake

Cast: Master Four, Mom Lilith
Genre: Thriller, psycho


Four sat on his desk, staring at a particular brown haired girl named Lilith. He did that every day. She was The One, and he couldn’t take his eyes off of her. She’s like an angel.
I always look at you.
He knew everything about her. Her birthday, her birthplace, her parent, her house, even her pet and her favourite colour. Everything.
I won’t take my eyes from you. I’ll always watch over you.
He always helped her, even without her watching or knowing. He wouldn’t let anything, or anyone do any harm on her. He would always keep her safe.
Everything I do, I do it for you.
He always gave her present, no matter what occasion. He’d always comfort her whenever she got hurt. He’d do anything, no matter what.
But why? Why won’t you understand?
I love you. Why won’t you love me too?
But, even with all the things he did, he always felt unnoticed. He always looked at her, why wouldn’t she look at him? He always cared for her, why wouldn’t she do the same? Why? Am I wrong? Why should I always wrong? That, he could never understand.
But all those things, were about to change.
I’ll do anything to make you mine.

Every day, Lilith walked down the street in front of his bakery on her journey home. And every day, he would stare at her. He always made a very special ice cream cake and put it in the shop. No one was allowed to buy that ice cream cake, except her. He put a “reserved” sign in front of the pastry, making most of his customers disappointed. But she never showed up to take that ice cream cake.

One day, Lilith was walking in front of the peculiar bakery again. She couldn’t judge anything by just looking, but that small shop was really weird it was creepy.
It was painted with shocking pink and baby blue paint, it was sickeningly sweet. It always decorated by cute bunnies, ribbons, and hearts. Oh, a little baby pegasus miniature also put on the table. Sweet ice cream cakes and pastries were displayed there. Just by looking at them would make anyone drool.
However, there was something there that creep her out. She didn’t know what, but it made her didn’t want to go to that bakery.
But that day seemed to be an unfortunate day. It suddenly rained, not to mention heavy rained, and she didn’t bring her umbrella.
“The weather forecast said today is going to be a sunny day.” She mumbled as she covered herself with her schoolbag and hide under the bakery canopy. It was thundering and she was a little scared, but she refused to come into the building.
She shivered and hugged her bag even tighter. She was somewhat scared of the thunder.
Little did she know, someone was watching her closely behind her, grinning like Cheshire Cat.
“What are you doing here, dear?” she heard someone said behind her and jumped.
“Oh God...” she gulped as she saw the figure in front of her.
He was a boy about 17, according to his looks. He had blond hair, blue eyes that seemed like sparkling, pointy nose, and freckled face. He was wearing pink shirt with a blue bow tie, purple sweater, and pale-brown pants.
Are you afraid? So sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you.” He smiled kindly at her, his eyes twinkling in a peculiar way. “Would you mind to come in? I see you’re shivering out here.”
“N-no, it’s fine, thank you. I’m just avoiding the rain.” She said, even though she really wanted to come inside.
“Oh, I insist, dear.” His smile grew wider, as he held the door open. It looked like he didn’t accept other answers except “yes”.
This guy is creepy. She thought.
When she came inside, the sweet scent of pastries invaded her nose and made her hungry. It was nice and warm there. Despite of her worries before, that small bakery shop was really comfortable.
The boy pulled out a chair, “Please have a seat.”
“T-thank you.” She hesitantly sat on that chair.
“Wait a moment, please.” He said before he walked out and disappeared behind a door. He said that politely, but it sounded like ‘Stay here or I’ll cut your throat’. It sent shiver down her spine.
He came back with a towel and wrapped it around her, “Dry yourself, please. You don’t want to get sick, do you?”
He waltzed and disappeared behind the door again.
She used the towel to dry her face, when she lifted the towel she nearly jumped when she saw the boy was sitting in front of her with his Cheshire cat grin. A mug of chocolate, a plate of cookies and a strawberry ice cream cake were placed before her.
I know it’s rain, but you should try this one” as he pointed at pink ice cream cake. “Oh, my apologize. I’m Four.” He held out his hand.
“Lilith.” She shook his hand. It was soft and warm, but at the same time it was like chain that used to imprison someone.
He sat there with his head slightly tilted and held by his hands. That Cheshire Cat grin decorated his face as he intently stared at her.
This guy sure is creepy.
She laughed nervously then took a sip of the hot chocolate. It was great.
Something tastes weird. She thought.
That chocolate tasted like ordinary chocolate, but something didn’t feel right. Something tasted like... metal? She shrugged. Maybe it was because of her brain make fun of her.
“Oh! Do you want to change your clothes, love?” he offered. Well, more like demanded.
“No, this is fine, thank you.”
But he didn’t seem to listen and disappeared behind the door again.
After a moment, he came back with a dress. It was like Alice’s from Alice in Wonderland dress, instead of blue, it was pink.
“Put it on, dear! You can use the bathroom there.” He pointed at the bathroom door.
She hesitantly took it and put it on. When she came out of the bathroom, Four squealed like a little boy.
“You look pretty, Ice cream cake~!”
“Thank you?” she smiled nervously.
She looked out of the window, the rain had stopped.
“The rain had stopped. I have to go home.” She said.
Four’s face immediately became down. “Now?” he pouted like a little boy when his granny is going home from a visit.
He’s acting really weird and creepy. Maybe it’s because he’s lonely.
“Yes, I’m sorry, but my mother will be worried if I don’t come home.” She looked at him with an apologetic look.
“But... you’d come here again, right?”
“Sure.” She smiled. The twinkle in his eyes back again.
“But you haven’t eaten your cake!” he squeaked.
“Oh, yeah, sorry. I’ll bring it home.”
“You’re going to eat it, right?” he asked hopefully, like if he didn’t ask, she wouldn’t eat that cake.
“Of course.” She took the cake and wrapped it.
“Adieu!” Four waved at her as she left.
He grinned to himself as her silhouette began to disappear.

Lilith went to his place almost every day since then. She figured out that he was just a lonely boy that tried to act friendly because he was desperate for a friend. Just a friend.
He was really helpful. He would always give her free pastries she wanted, and they would have afternoon tea after the shop closed. And when she got bullied, he somehow took care of the bullies, and she never saw them again.
One day, Lilith went home and found that her house was burned.
She quickly ran to that small bakery for help.
“Four! Help! Four!” she exclaimed.
“Yes, what is it, dear?” he quickly ran like a mother when her child cries.
“M-my home...” she said between sobs. “I-it’s g-getting burned!”
“What?” his eyes widen.
“My mother probably still in there!” she squeaked in panic.
“Let’s go!”
They ran to her house but it was too late. It burned down to ashes. People and firemen were surrounding it, but it was useless.
“NO! MUM!” she exclaimed and ran towards her burned house, but one of the firemen held her.
“It’s too dangerous, young lady!”
“No! MUM! My mother’s still there!”
“I’m sorry, but she didn’t survive.”
Four held her hand to stop her. “Calm down, ice cream cake. Sshh. Calm down, please, would you?”
She stopped her struggle and hugged him, sobbing on his shoulder.
“Who are you?” the fireman asked him.
“I’m her cousin.”
“You should take care of her. I know she won’t want to live with her father.”
“Yes, sir.” He said, but no one realized that he was grinning.
“Come on, dear.”
They walked back to that small bakery shop.
Lilith was awfully quiet for a few days. Four had to force her to eat. She would lock herself inside the room that supposed to be ‘hers’ in the house behind the shop.
Three days later, a suspicious man came to the bakery.
“How can I help you, Sir?” Four asked cheerfully.
“Where is my daughter?” the man suddenly asked.
“Pardon me?” Four tilted his head.
“Lilith. I’m her father.” He furrowed his eyebrows at him.
He grined. Cih, so he’s her dad? “I know about that, Sir. But may I ask you what are you doing here, Sir?”
“I’m taking my daughter. That’s it.”
“I’m afraid it can’t be done, Sir.”
“HOW COME?” he raised his voice. That man sure had a bad temper.
“I’m afraid she doesn’t want to go with you, Sir.”
“What is going on here?” Lilith came out of the door, her face still looked like zombie.
“Father.” She said boringly. “Uh, Four, can you leave us for a moment?”
“If you say so, love~” he got out and left them alone.
At first he didn’t hear anything, but then he saw Lilith burst out and slammed her room shut behind her, followed by angry exclaims from her father.
Four came out and smiled at him. “I’m so sorry, Sir, but no one is allowed to swear and curse inside my house.”
“I don’t care about you and your stupid house!”
“Oh, I think we should fix that bad habit of yours, sir.” His Cheshire cat grin grew wider.

Lilith sat in the corner of the room. She didn’t want to deal with that old man again. Not after he left her and her mother to live on their own after took some advantage on them. She hated that old man.
“Burn in hell.” She silently cursed at him.
Suddenly there was a knock on the door.
“Lilith? Are you all right?” Four slightly opened the door, enough to reveal half of his face.
“Yeah, somehow.” She muttered. She just didn’t want to deal with that old man again. But she knew he wouldn’t leave unless he got what he wanted.
“I’ll be in the shop if you need me.” He closed the door and left.
If she didn’t have a house or parent, where would she live? Here? Well, Four was certainly kind and all, but still... there was something weird about this house, and the person that lived here. And who will took care about her school fees and everything?
Four had to pay for his own school fees. Yes, they were in the same school. That’s why Lilith often went to his house after school. Sometimes she wondered... where was his parent? Why did he live alone? And even owned a bakery? That must be to support his life. But still...
Wait, did it feel a bit too quiet? Did it mean her father had gone? That was fast. But well, she didn’t care anymore. She just didn’t want to deal with that man again.
But she had to think about her life. She still had a father, so the government wouldn’t send her to the orphanage or something. They would think her father would take care of her.
“Hey, Four...”
“Yes, dear?” he’s looking a grandma knitted scarf in front of the window.
“Uh, first, can you stop calling me ‘dear’ or something?”
“No.” He said cheerfully, it wasn’t the kind of ‘no’ that you could argue with.
“O-kay... uh, you know, my house has burned down, and I can’t live with my father. So...”
“You can always stay here, little ice cream cake~! Then we can be together forever!” He smiled cheerfully, like someone who just won a medal from a competition.
“Really? But...”
“Sshh!” he lifted a finger. “Don’t worry about anything. I won’t let anything bother you.” He smiled kindly as his gaze drilled her eyes.

They lived there together since then. They went to school and home together. And her days kept going as usual. She would also help him bake the pastries and clean the shop. It didn’t bother her at first, but it did eventually.
Four would always follow her anywhere she went, and whenever she wanted to tell him to leave, he’d grin like a maniac that sent shivers down her spine.
Even after I get used to him, he’s still creepy as hell.
Then he started holding her hand and humming like a little child anywhere they went. When they went shopping for her clothes, when they went to buy ingredients for pastries, when they walk home after school, anywhere. And when she told him to let her go, he always answered, “I’ll never let you go.” So cheerfully it was scary.
Whenever she talked to people, especially boys, he would grin like a super-creepy Cheshire cat to send them away. And he would throw piercing gazes to them so they wouldn’t come back again.
She never questioned him because every time she asked why he did that, he would just answer, “I don’t want to talk to them.” and smiled. However, she knew it wasn’t the real reason.
One day, Lilith was helping him with his pastry shop, then he said he need some more ‘special ingredients’ and left to God-knows-where.
She wondered where her father was. Because if he knew she was there, he would constantly go there to force her to come with him. But he was nowhere to see for days. But, well, that was good, because she didn’t have to be bothered by him.
She shrugged. It wasn’t the right time to think about that. She needed to think about her future. Went to college, got a job and a place to live so she wouldn’t rely to Four anymore.
She was spacing out for too long she didn’t realize the pastries she bake was still in the oven.
“Oh no!” she quickly get the burned cupcakes out of the oven.
Great. Now she had to make another dozen of cupcakes.
“I’m home~” a very familiar voice chimed in her ears. No.
“What is going on here?” Four tilted his head and peeked through the door.
“Uh, I just—”
“Oh God, the pastries are burned!” his eyes widen and he quickly ran towards her. “Are you all right? Did you get hurt?”
“No. Actually, I burned the cakes. Sorry, Four.”
“What are you thinking about, dear?” he raised his eyebrows.
“It’s not like what you think! Don’t get mad—”
“I’m not mad. It’s just you’re spacing off. What were you thinking about?” he tilted his head.
“It’s nothing...” she looked away.
“Would you mind to tell me? Please?” his eyes pierced through hers.
“Just thinking about my father...”
“Oh, you don’t have to be worried about him. He won’t bother you ever again.” He smiled.
“Good.” She sighed. “Wait, how do you know?”
“I just know.” He grinned again before went to the cupboards to put the ‘special ingredients.’

After that her days went normal again. As normal as you expected if you lived with an ice cream cake and cupcake-freak boy that act too cheerful it was creepy.
It was weekend, so they wouldn’t have school tomorrow. She remembered how a tired day she got these day. Her school held some events. All she knew was a band. She knew Freya—it seemed like a greek goddess of beauty but she’s not—who also a cheers’ member joined that band.
Lilith didn’t wanna join that event, she would be a silent girl and just watching that event. Who am I? I’m a normal girl without any talent, at least that’s what she thought. She’s just like that.
She wanted to go out to get some fresh air.
She looked for Four but he was nowhere to be seen. She had to tell him if she wanted to go out, or terrifying things will happen. Well, a boy she liked at school looked really traumatic after she met him without telling Four.
“Four?” his room was empty.
The shop was empty too.
She looked everywhere but he wasn’t there to be seen. Then she found a staircase down to most likely a basement that she never saw before.
Could he be here? But it was so dark and creepy.
She decided to explore that new territory she just discovered. The stairs was dark, cold and scary, but she continued her walk until she found a door.
The door was made of metal, and it looked like a refrigerator. She tried to look through the glass but she couldn’t see anything.
She hesitantly opened the door. It made a creepy creaking sound when she opened it.
Her eyes widen when she saw the room.
It was a slaughterhouse.
It’s wall was covered by crimson blood, and it’s floor was scattered by entrails. Fleshes and organs were hanged there with a wire. And the most creepy part, it was a slaughterhouse... for humans.
She let out a squeak and quickly covered her mouth to prevent puke. She was about to close the door when she saw the figure that hanged at the corner was the girl that bullied her that day. To her left, it was a body of a man that she found out was cursing and yelling at Four one day at the shop. His guts were cut by half, revealing his inner organs, his throat was slit open, and one of his eyes wasn’t there. He was all covered by blood.
She looked around. There was so many victims that she couldn’t tell who.
Then her eyes widen as she saw the figure that hanged upside down in the middle of the room. It was her father.
His head was barely hanging from his neck, blood dripped from his neck to his face. His hands were hanging with an awkward position. His chest looked like he had been through a failed surgery, his ribs were cracked open and his heart was missing.
She didn’t realize her feet moving on their own towards her father.
No way.
I know he’s a jerk and all... but this is too much.
Then she looked to her left, there was a boy that gave her flowers yesterday. His body was chaotic. It looked like they’d been twisted and pulled to the impossible position, and his lower half was chopped off from his body.
She held in a scream.
She looked to her right and found the body of a girl that had been constantly said bad things about her. Her jaws were separated from each other and her hands were chopped off.
She squeaked and walked behind a few steps before bumping into something.
“Looking for me, poppet?” Four was standing there with a ear-to-ear grin, blood splattered on his face and hands.
“No!” she shrieked.
“You don’t? Then what are you doing here, dear?” he still stood there with that grin. He cracked his knuckles one by one.
“Y-you!” she stuttered, “You!”
“You’re a murderer!” she screamed. “I can’t believe I live with a murderer!”
“Is that what you think? Scared, dear?” he asked lightly, walked slowly towards her.
“You! You’re a monster!” she backed off, trembling like crazy.
He chuckled.
“You killed my father!” she screamed, still trembling.
“Oh, him? I thought you don’t want to be bothered by him.” He casually approached her father’s body and caressed the blood-stained face. “You were happy when I told you he won’t bother you again, were you, love? Don’t betray yourself, dear.” he held the body’s hair. “But now you want him again? How stupid.” he grinned with a sorrowful yet delightful face then pulled the head off from the father’s neck.
She covered her mouth.
He held the head and threw it across the room towards her.
The thing made a sickening thud voice when it hit the wall, and made a disgusting (well, delighting) sound when it fall onto the blood pool on the floor.
She froze as he approached her.
“Why?” he said. “Why won’t you understand?”
His shoes made a sickening voice as they hit the blood stained floor.
“Do I disgust you? Did I ever do anything to harm you? Did I ever do you wrong?”
His voice echoed inside the basement.
“NO! Stay away from me!” she shrieked.
“Why? WHY?!” he slammed his fist to the wall behind her. His face was just a mere inch away from her. Tears started to flow down to his cheeks. “Aren’t I enough? Why won’t you love me? I always loved you! From the moment I saw you! I always cared about you! Why won’t you?!”
He was crying and begging, made her almost felt pity on him. But still it didn’t change the fact that he was a murderer.
She was trembling and scared like hell, but she still yelled at him.
“There is NO way I could love a monster like you! You killed people!”
She gulped, thinking about the consequences of what she just said.
Then it was like he snapped. The usual twinkle in his eyes came back and he grinned again. “Then...” he leaned closer, “I just have to make you change your mind.”
He pinned her wrist to the wall and crashed his lips on hers.
She struggled to break free but it was useless. For a skinny guy, he was pretty strong. She tried to kick him but apparently he had anticipated that. He pulled away and shoved her feet from the floor, causing her to fall.
She coughed and spitted. He tasted like sugar and metal. Sweet, but sickening and rusted.
He loomed over her and pinned her wrist down to the floor.
“Let go of me! LET. GO!” she struggled in vain.
“No. Not until I make you mine.” He grinned and forcefully crashed his lips on hers.
While he was distracted, she slowly lifted her leg and kicked him where the sun didn’t shine. He was taken aback and his eyes widen. She took that change to run away.
She quickly ran and locked the basement door behind her. She ran as fast as she could. She had to get away from that insane murderer.
A bit more! She ran as fast as her breath let her to.
Only to be blocked by a certain blond at the shop door. (inner door, not the front door, of course.)
“Where do you think you’re going, poppet?” he smiled like a maniac.
“NO! Stay away from me!” she turned around and ran to the other direction. She stopped in front of her room to catch her breath.
“You know, I like hide-and-seek~” his voice echoed through the house.
In panic, she opened the door and hide inside the room. She locked the door behind her and sat at the corner, terrified and trembling like a little twig blown by wind.
“Come out, little ice cream cake~”
She gulped.
His steps echoed. He was getting closer.
Her heart stopped when she heard a knock on the door. She knew she made a terrible mistake by locking herself inside a room with no other escape to hide from a lunatic psychopath.
“I know you’re in there, dear~” he knocked louder.
Then an unpleasant sound heard, followed by a knife thrust through the door.
She squeaked.
The knife forcefully cut through the door.
She gulped.
She looked around the room and found a telephone. She quickly called the police.
“Come out, poppet~”
Her trembling fingers pushed the buttons nervously.
911, what is your emergency?” the voice from the phone said.
“T-There... is a—gulp—insane murderer... that tried to—hic—kill me...”
Where is your location?
“I-it’s at the 5th avenue, that little pastry shop. Hurry up!” she was about to put the phone down, when it heard a loud ‘bang’ sound of a door being forced open.
“I found you~” he laughed and walked slowly towards her.
She shivered at the corner. She knew she was doomed. The police was her only hope.
He rushed towards her until their faces were merely an inch away.
He put the knife on her neck.
God, he’s going to kill me!
“N-no. Please...” she pleaded pathetically.
He chuckled and dragged the metal down to her waist, cutting her clothes and her skin.
She let out a scream.
“FREEZE! LET GO OF THE GIRL!” someone shouted from the door. The police had arrived.
Four grinned. “You called them? Wrong move, poppet~” he whispered at her ear.
He let her go. She broke down to the floor, clutching her bloodied clothes.
A policeman approached her to help, but Four stopped him.
“I can’t allow anyone to touch my little ice cream cake.” He smiled sweetly.
The policeman gulped and backed off.
“Now you all have 3 seconds to leave and not to tell a word, or I should eliminate you all.”
“Don’t be crazy!” a police shouted, his hands that held a gun trembled.
“I give you a warning! Drop your weapon now!”
“Two.” He cracked a knuckle.
“This is the last warning! Come to us with hands in the air!”
He smiled. “One. Time’s up.” then he threw knives that landed on the policemen chest except one that started to shoot his guns like mad, only to have missed shots.
He approached the police and grabbed his collar. Then he scratched his knife on his cheek. The police squeaked in fear.
“Now tell your friends that the murderer killed them all, and you are the only one survived. And tell them the murderer had run away. Or I’ll kill all of you. Understand?”
The poor policeman nodded in fear.
“Now for the souvenir.” He grinned then ran the knife from the police’s chest to his belly. He screamed in pain.
Four laughed then released him.
“Bye~!” he waved at the terrified policeman.
He turned to his little ice cream cake, who collapsed on her spot.
He gently caressed her face and smiled. He’d certainly make her his.

She woke up on a fluffy bed, but her hands were tied.
“Ugh!” she struggled to break free in vain.
“It looks like you’re awake!” Four cheered beside her. She screamed at the sight of that lunatic.
He put his hand over her mouth.
“Ssh! You don’t want to wake him up, right?” he grinned, pointing at a boy that tied to a chair.
It was Max, the boy she liked she met that day in secret. He’s handsome, one of basketball’s member in her school.
“Max!” she screamed.
The boy’s eyes opened wide.
“You like him, do you?” Four said, lifting up her chin. “Is he the reason why you don’t want to be with me?”
She just stared at him.
“So I just have to get rid of him.” He smiled and approached Max with a knife and a scissors.
“What are you doing?!” Max yelled from his chair.
“Stop!” Lilith screamed.
Four scratched his cheek with the knife, blood dripped from the scar. Max let out a painful sigh.
“What do you see from him?” Four said as he cut Max’s ear with his scissors.
Max screamed.
“A handsome boy won’t look handsome without an eye.” He thrust his knife into Max’s left eye. Max screamed in pain.
He gouged out his eye and licked it.
“Stop! NO!”
“Why? Why him? Why him and not me?” he jabbed the knife into his shoulder.
“Stop looking at him!” he dragged the knife down to his chest.
“NO! STOP! If you’re going to kill someone, kill me!” she screamed.
“But I don’t want to kill you. I want to live, forever with you.” Four looked at her with his twinkling eyes and lunatic grin.
“But this boy, is in our way.” He grinned at him. “Let me get rid of him.”
“No... please... don’t!” Max pleased but it was useless. Four jabbed his knife into his gut and dragged it down, his blood and inner organ splattered. He screamed before he breathed his last oxygen.
“NO!! YOU MONSTER” she screamed. “You beast! Let go of me!”
“I’m not a monster, and you know that.” Four smiled sweetly at her. “I just love you.” He kissed her, and at the same time, injected a drug to her vein, made her unconscious.

When she woke up, she was caged inside a wardrobe. She had no energy left to scream or struggle to break free. She just waited there for a saviour that wouldn’t ever come.
The wardrobe door opened, revealing a cheerful sparkling Four in front of her.
“I make you an ice cream cake~!” he cheered and put the ice cream cake in front of her.
Every day, Four would talk to her cheerfully about everything, gave her at least 20 kisses a day, made her ice cream cakes, made her tea and everything except to let her go. No matter what she did.
She didn’t have the will to cry even if she wanted to. She had lost everything. She was broken. Broken beyond repair.

All I want is just you.
To accept me as I am.
To love me.
To let me stay by your side.
And we’ll be happy together.

But she kept struggling to break free. But the harder she tried, the harder the chains imprisoned her.

All I want is just you.
But until I make you mine, I won’t let you go.

She knew she was imprisoned in a rusted chain, a rusted world. By a lunatic murderer.

Why won’t you understand?
The answer is simple.

But she didn’t know. She didn’t understand.

That’s why I won’t let you go.
Until I finally make you mine.


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